Prof. Christian MATULA, MD, PhD

Prof of Neurosurgery, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Dr. Hesham Zaki

Consultant Neurosurgeon, Sheffield Teaching Hospital MBBCh, MSc, MD, FRCS(Ed), FRCS(Glasg), FRCS (Ed.Neurosurg)

Mr. Yahia Al-Tamimi

Consultant Neurosurgeon Sheffield Teaching Hospital UK

Mr. Ramez Ibrahim

Consultant Neurosurgeon Sheffield Teaching Hospital UK

Prof. Dr. Ramez Wadie Kirollos

Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon UK M.B.Ch.B (Honours), Doctor of Medicine (Leeds), F.R.C.S. (Ed.), F.R.C.S.(Eng.), F.R.C.S. (Neurosurgery), Fellow of the European Board in Neurosurgery (FEBNS)

Dr. Safwat Ali Hegazy

Consultant Neurosurgeon Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare

Dr. Fadi Almahariq

Consultant Neurosurgeon at University Clinical Hospital Dubrava M.D PhD Assistant professor at University of Zagreb

Dr. Mahmoud Kamel

Consultant Neurosurgeon – Cork University Hospital

Prof. Wojciech Dabrowski MD, PhD
Prof of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
Dr. Mohamed Alolama

Consultant NeuroSurgeon President of Emirates Society of Neurological Surgeons

Dr. Ximena Alvira
Clinical & Research Manager at Elsevier
Prof. Mohamed El Debeiky

Professor of Pediatric Surgery – Ain Shams University

Dr. Anas Said

Neurosurgery Consultant, Al Basheer Hospital, Ministry of Health of Jordan Jordanian Neurosurgery Board – Pediatric Neurosurgery Board Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellowship – University of Colorado USA

Mohamed Ezzat
Dr.Antonio C. Marttos Jr, M.D.

Professor of Clinical, UMMG Department of Surgery, Miller School of Medicine, Medical Campus, University of Miami

Dr. Laurence Sands M.D., M.B.A.

Chair of the DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Dr.Jayant Menon
Clinical Associate Professor, Neurosurgery
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Namias, MD
Professor of Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Dr. Waleed Azab
Consultant Neurosurgeon, Department Neurosurgery, Ibn Sina Hospital, Kuwait
Prof. A Samy Youssef, MD, PhD
Professor & Vice Chairman for Education Departments of Neurosurgery & Otolaryngology
Prof. Magdy M. El-Kalliny, MD
Consultant Neurosurgeon Lake Cumberland, KYLake Cumberland
Prof. Ahmed Raslan
Chairman of Neurosurgery Department – OHSU, President elect of the North American Neuromodulation Society
Dr. Hanaa Abd El Wahab
Harvard medical school associate alumni in clinical research
Prof. Shereen El Gayar
Pediatrics and Clinical Nutrition Consultant, Cairo University Hospitals
Prof. Aya Yassin
Professor of Radiology Ain Shams University, Executive Director of Ain shams university